GeraldFip GeraldFip
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Why am I dоing this. А vеry gооd реrsоn is sеriоuslу ill but cаn bе sаvеd, surgerу аnd medicines will сost a verу lаrgе amount оf $ 1 349 590. Everyоne turnеd аwаy frоm him and nо оne wаnts to hеlp. Until the right amоunt of moneу is cоllесtеd, I will sеnd уou thеsе mеssаges.
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Difference Makers Diversity Award Winner – Maria Davison
Big congratulations to this years Individual Difference Makers Diversity Award Winner, Maria Davison, announced at the 2024 State of the Nation. Maria Davison, Difference Maker Maria has been an incredible supporter, contributor, and advocate for the Engaging Young Leaders Program for a number of years. She’s a real thought leader on the topic of good […]
Difference Makers Diversity Award Winner – Wanslea
Big congratulations to this years Organisation Difference Makers Diversity Award Winner, Wanslea, announced at the 2024 State of the Nation. Wanslea, Difference Makers Wanslea has been a Community Partner of the Engaging Young Leaders program for many years now. They have been a strong advocate and supporter of diversity not only in the boardroom but […]
State of the Nation – Vidhatri Lakkim
At our State of the Nation event, ELGP Alumni Vidhatri Lakkim, shared her experience of being a ELGP participant in 2021 and what she has achieved since graduating. Learn about: Vidhatri’s professional story What made her decide to sign up for the program and invest in herself Which challenges she had to overcome What her […]