Why are the Difference Maker Diversity Awards Important?
In 2017 we established the Difference Maker Diversity Awards as a key strategy to acknowledge people who were champing diversity on boards. I remember at the time being asked why it was important. This question gave me the occasion to explain why I think awards like this are so vital in supporting change.
Our world is filled with uncertainty and as leaders, we are seeking understanding. We can do this by looking for the drivers of change or we can seek to understand by getting a different perspective.
These awards will recognise a board and a director in the WA Not for Profit sector who are really seeking to engage with people who bring a different perspective. This helps them to manage uncertainty. They do this by championing diversity in the boardroom. They actively seek out people who are different from them, people who view the world from another perspective.
To engage diversity can take courage, the courage to reflect on your own behaviour, attitudes, and beliefs relating to differences.
The Difference Maker Diversity Awards highlight those who have reflected, those who are showing exceptional leadership, courage and commitment in promoting diversity to achieve better governance outcomes for their organisation and society.
The Difference Maker Diversity Awards gives us the occasion to showcase the innovative programs, initiatives, and strategies that boards are using to enhance diversity and inclusion.
I ask you, do you know a diversity champion? Champions are people who are respecting, valuing and including of differences in ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, education, profession, and religion – these are core principles of diversity and inclusion.
It could be an individual or Board that has reviewed the diversity of board membership. It may be a board who has widened their board recruitment practices or implemented a board diversity policy. Maybe they have undertaken some diversity training and improved board processes to be more inclusive?
Nominations for the Difference Maker Diversity Awards are easy – you can self-nominate or be nominated by another individual or organisation. You will be asked the following:
Individual Award Nomination
- Describe the leadership shown and actions taken by the nominee to promote, encourage and champion diversity on a board.
- Demonstrate how the action(s) towards diversity have improved the board and/or organisation.
Board Award Nomination
- Describe the strategies implemented to promote diversity on the board.
- Demonstrate the outcome(s) that have been achieved because of the improved diversity on the board.
All nominations are entered online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/dfawards.
Winners will be advised at the 19th June ‘State of the Nation Event’ and will be presented with a trophy, certificate and an opportunity to present at the September Unconvention as part of the Engaging Young Leaders on Aged Care and Community Boards program.
For further details please call me on 94506233 or email me at nicky.h@southcare.org.au
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